Sunday, December 21, 2008

leaves of grass part 5

The moth and the fisheggs are in their place,
The suns I see and the suns I cannot see are in their place,
The palpable is in its place and the impalpable is in its

A major theme in Leaves of Grass is the everything in the universe is connected and exists for a reason. This phrase contributes to that theme through its use of parallelism. By beginning each sentence with "The" the author connects all of the ideas in those sentences to one another. The author also ends each phrase with "place" this repetition helps to support the theme. Syntactically choosing to arrange the word place so that it is the only word on the line and the last word of the stanza makes the word "place" stand out and it is the last word the reader reads so it leaves the idea in the head of the reader. This passage also touches on the idea that even the things humans cannot control "the suns I cannot see" are there for a reason. The passage is smooth flowing and has a zen like quality to its sound which also supports its theme.