Friday, March 6, 2009

Virgin Suicides part 2

He came back to us with stories of bedrooms filled with crumpled panties, of stuffed animals hugged to death by the passion of the girls, of a crucifix draped with a brassiere, of gauzy chambers of canopied beds, and of the effluvia of so many young girls becoming women together in the same cramped space.

On the surface this passage seams to be a normal carefree story of growing up. And all of the items described found in the Libson house seem to fulfill all of the fantasies a young boy could have about the rooms of young women. However violent hyperboles, "hugged to death," and anti religious imagery create dark undertones. The image of a bra which symbolizes the growth from girl to woman lying on top of the crucifix which is a symbol of the girls religion shows that the desire of all of these girls to achieve womanhood is outranking there religious beliefs and priorities. Describing where the girls live as a "cramped space" is foreshadowing and implies that they will outgrow their surroundings.