Friday, October 17, 2008

Mrs. Sen's

"And thats all in India?' 'Yes,' Mrs. Sen replied. The mention of the word seemed to release something in her...She too looked around the room, as if she noticed in the lampshades, in the teapot,in the shadows frozen on the carpet, something the rest of them could not. 'Everything is there." Here the author is portraying the emptiness that Mrs. Sen feels in America and how she longs to go back to her home. Lahiri portrays this this through the cold diction and imagery. Lahiri uses words such as frozen to show the coldness of her new home. The word shadows creates a feeling of emptiness and things that are behind us, remanent of what things once were. Representative of the good life Mrs. Sen had in India. The word "everything," when used by Mrs. Sen is meaningful because while in America she has objects and even her husband if she thinks that "Everything" is left in India then she does not care about anything in American in her new home.